The deal follows a $37mn reserve charge taken by Third Point Re just ahead of the closing of its merger with Sirius International in February.
The PE house will inject growth equity capital into Premia after the all-paper deal.
The deal comes shortly after the legacy specialist established a $265mn sidecar, Elevation Re.
He has held a seat on the company’s board since 2017.
The deal with CNA subsidiary Continental Casualty reinsures excess workers’ compensation business relating to 2007 and prior-year business.
The reinsurance pact with Enstar’s Cavello Bay has an aggregate limit of $1bn.
The landmark transaction with Sentry requires court clearance after gaining the state insurance commissioner’s nod.
The legacy carrier is the first to utilise a recently enacted framework in Oklahoma.
The legacy bidder prevails over Enstar, Premia and start-up Marco.
Sources said the liabilities relate to business written by unit Mid-Continent Casualty Company.
Reserves in scope have not been finalised, but sources estimated the figure to be in the low hundreds of millions of dollars.
The deal sets an exit plan for Stone Point from the Bermuda group’s North Bay entity if that business isn’t reorganised by year-end.
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