Newly released annual stat filings on reserve data show some troubling trends.
The industry continues to take reserve addition medicine in smaller doses than recommended.
Executives see earnings benefits from workers’ comp beginning to diminish.
Workers' comp continued to offset GL adverse development, but the bucket is running dry.
Profitability over growth continues to be the company’s “mantra”.
The bill was introduced shortly after a similar bill failed in Mississippi.
Cyber premiums dropped 1.8%, while commercial auto was up 8.9%.
The move will expand Nationwide’s stop loss insurance sales to SMEs.
NCCI’s WCWMI posted 2.3% growth last year, below 2023’s 2.9%.
The insurer’s strong Q4 results might not read across to the rest of its peer group.
Trends leading into 2025 may indicate workers’ comp releases have peaked.
Executives have said that the carrier’s conservative reinsurance program made losses sustainable.