The MGA recently secured capacity to write HNW homes in California.
Four cat modelers have also submitted their tech for regulatory review.
The carrier is only going to write new business on E&S paper, sources said.
Under the new guidelines, the carrier is requiring more distance from the brush.
Former PRS president Ana Robic was promoted to regional president.
Insureds often just want cover in place at the lowest price possible, and insurers oblige under the skeptical eye of regulators.
RenRe gave the highest anticipated market loss of $50bn.
After a period of re-assessing risk appetite, underwriters were signalling growth again – that was, before the fires.
There are many unknown factors including insurance gaps, high-value property and damage to critical infrastructure.
Investigators are homing in on the likely causes of the incidents.
Sources are saying 2025 could be as expensive for wildfires as the $20bn loss years of 2017 and 2018.
This could see it surpass the 2017 Camp Fire, which cost around $12.2bn.