Sources said the Evercore-run Risk Strategies process has drawn the interest of Brown & Brown.
The Insurance Insider US news team runs you through this week’s key agency M&A.
The decision comes after the agency refused to block a climate related vote at Travelers.
Jeanmarie Giordano joined the company last September.
The company’s stock jumped 14% within 30 minutes of the market’s open.
Defendants claim that Tradesman lacks standing to bring the case.
The judge noted similarities in Dellwood’s business plan and AIG’s.
After a period of business building, MGAs will likely spend more time optimizing.
The shares will be purchased via the open market or private third-party transactions.
Both bills are now on Governor Kemp’s desk awaiting signatures.
The vehicle will take a quota share of all of the risks underwritten by Ryan Specialty’s MGA arm.
RBC reports can help regulators identify weakly capitalized companies.