The Californian utilities firm has established a $14bn backstop fund to ensure all liabilities are paid.
The launch follows the carrier’s decision earlier this year to put CatCo into run-off.
"Signs of fatigue" are showing in the market as pricing hardens slightly.
Rates for $40bn live cat trades have risen as the market has grown more wary of a significant loss, sources said.
The company has created a new management committee as it refocuses on disciplined underwriting.
Despite shrinkage of the overall pool, new capital providers have entered the market in recent months, the ratings agency said.
California lawmakers passed a bill in July to create the $21bn utility liabilities fund.
Reserve strengthening for prior-year catastrophes lifts the overall loss ratio, while specialty line earnings improve.
The latest quarter was the second-lowest Q2 for issuance volume in the past eight years.
The company is also placing its Markel Catco reinsurance fund into run-off.
After an almost two-year absence, Brad Livingston is rejoining the broker to focus on ILS business.
The company has reached a settlement with Alissa Fredricks and agreed to binding arbitration with Tony Belisle.