The Floridian anticipates Hurricanes Debby and Helene to incur losses of $3.8mn in Q3 2024.
Hurricane Milton losses are currently estimated at $25mn-$55mn.
Earlier this week, RMS estimated insured losses for Helene and Milton at $35bn-$55bn.
Hurricane Helene was blamed for $92mn of those losses.
HCI is estimated to incur a net expense of $125mn for Milton in Q4 2024.
Milton and Helene will join reserve trends, cat losses and organic growth as Q3’s key topics.
Most of the insured loss was attributable to wind.
The company incurred $563mn of total cat losses related to the storm.
RMS will issue its final loss estimates for Milton later this week.
Milton’s significant but less-than-expected hit shifts our expectations for industry recovery.
Milton made landfall near Siesta Key yesterday, leaving 2.7 million homes without power.
Over the past several months, Floir approved nearly one million policies for takeout from Citizens.