Surplus lines are still strong, but not the standout they used to be.
The segment’s underwriting results halved to $532mn in 2024 from $1.07bn in the prior year.
Its full-year combined ratio for 2024 ballooned to 334.6%, from 124.7% in 2023.
The company has seen four straight years of double-digit growth.
Newly released annual stat filings on reserve data show some troubling trends.
The Insurance Insider US news team runs you through the earnings results for the day.
The industry continues to take reserve addition medicine in smaller doses than recommended.
Executives see earnings benefits from workers’ comp beginning to diminish.
The Insurance Insider US news team runs you through the earnings results for the day.
Q4 net retention was impacted by the previously announced ADC.
The carrier has also received 11,750 fire-related claims so far this year.
Workers' comp continued to offset GL adverse development, but the bucket is running dry.