Florida-based Gulfstream is forced to liquidate after falling into insolvency.
Marsh points Judge William Thomas to Aon’s arguments in the DoJ case as reason to dismiss poaching suit.
Fair Plan had challenged that order, arguing that it would lead to higher rates.
Details of potential additional divestitures are closely guarded, but they would likely include P&C broking assets.
The RAA pushes plan to use public, private dollars to shore up communities most at risk from climate-related disasters.
McKee sided with the ACPIA, who have opposed the legislation due to the potential for raised costs.
Several law firms have prepared class action suits against James River after an Uber loss charge led to an equity raise.
The DoJ was given a deadline to provide Aon’s lawyers with pertinent evidence collected from third parties during its investigation into the $30bn mega-merger.
The new adjustments will increase rates 7.6% on average after February 1, 2022.
The judge threw out the insurer’s preliminary objections to the case, pointing out that the lawsuit had claimed the presence of Covid-19 meant the plaintiff was unable to use the premises.
A federal judge finds that a new law banning contractors from advertising that insurance may cover roof repairs unconstitutional.
Applied Underwriters-owned California Insurance Company (CIC) said it will appeal a decision to dismiss the lawsuit that the company filed against the California Department of Insurance (CDI), contesting the regulator’s decision to place the carrier in conservatorship.