The former Lockton employee’s suit alleges sexual and gender harassment.
The lawsuit alleges the data is being used by insurers to increase premiums.
The insurer said Dellwood’s "spin" isn’t enough to dismiss the litigation.
The lawsuit names additional attorneys, doctors and medical practices.
Greg Lindberg owned four North Carolina-domiciled insurance companies.
White Rock claims CCB was responsible for the “lion’s share” of fraudulent letters of credit.
The lawsuit demands coverage from insurers following opioid and product liability-related settlements.
States are grappling with first responder claims litigation as some move to expand presumptions to more worker types.
A lawsuit filed last month by a former employee alleged sexual and gender harassment.
While the alleged fraud is shocking, could it suggest the industry is under-investing in claims?
The decision comes weeks before the rule was set to take effect in September.
The suit also charges the agents with unjust enrichment and contract breach.